Monday, January 13, 2014

Breakfast... or How I Learned To Ditch The Pop Tarts And Love The Gruel

Breakfast is a bit of a bitch. All I ever want, ever, is sugar. This is the direct result of decades of coco pops and frosties and remember that cereal from the 1980s omg and pop tart consumption from my childhood sweet tooth to my many years as a stoner and subsisting on chocolate pop tarts.

Did I mention I love pop tarts? Because I do. OH GOD. I love them when they're slightly burnt. And their lava-filled centre that numbs your tongue and renders the whole thing a tasteless congealed mass of sticky goo...... Have you actually seen the flavours in Candy Lab!?! Just no.

Anyway. God I can digress when it comes to pop tarts. 
So when I became a mature adult and finally began subsisting on actual food - i.e. food with only one or two ingredients, food that would not survive a nuclear incident - I had to address my breakfasting habits. Breakfast is the one meal of the day where I'm generally very good. Weekends of late since I caved into the 'fat', have consisted of my made-up 'reeces pancakes' (peanut butter and nutella) or scones with cream and jam or a delicious pastry... but generally speaking my breakfasts are good.

I generally tend to be ravenous in the morning so I need something that is filling and healthy. There is so much conflicting information out there on carb loading, protien only, only fruit before noon crap. I just alternate and find that works for me. A typical breakfast will be either porridge, a green drink (I'll be posting separately about these later) or fruit and a plain yoghurt. 

Here's the thing. Porridge is amazing. No it is, really. My friend Aine posted recently that she hated the consistency. If youre the same, Ready Brek is also amazing, and is just a finer milled oat. Here are some reasons to love porridge:
1. Oats are anti-anxiety, have a calming effect and curb cravings. If youre looking for a great alternative to rescue remedy if you have mild anxiety, try Avena Sativa (Oat tincture) drops as a nervous system support. 
2. Oats are low-GI, slow energy release so you feel full until lunch.
3. Oats are packed with health benefits
4. You can mix and match your porridge - making it with water and a pinch of salt, milk, sweet, fruity, savory or any other number of ways. 
Here's how I had mine this morning: I use Flahavans instant oats and whack them in the microwave with almond milk, and afterwards add 1 x tbsp of maple syrup and a pinch of cinnamon. Maple syrup has got quite a bit of calories so go easy... but its very natural and full of B vitamins which, again, are a great nervous system support.

Some other ways to try the gruel:
- With a spoonful of almond butter
- With a spoon of greek yoghurt and berries
- Alternate your sweetener with agave syrup or stevia
- With honey and stem ginger

Anywho. Its not quite a poptart but I heart porridge now. Its comforting, maple syrup and cinnamon sweetens it (not quite to teeth rotting pop tart levels) and it keeps you from munching on everything in sight.

GOOOOOOOOOOOO porridge. For those of you that are concerned with such matters, its 140 calories for porridge with almond milk and 1 tbsp of maple syrup is approx 45 cals.

Update on my "diet" - I woke up this morning and put on a circus tent (all that would fit me). I cycled 10k to work and almost died from frost bite and fright having not cycled anywhere since December 22nd. I had leftover potato curry for lunch and wanted loads more. I'm drinking lemon water instead of tea. I may sleep at my desk. My other half is making veggie fajitas for dinner with quorn, avocado, fresh corriander, onion and tomato salsa... and I'm going to hold the cheese and sour cream on mine. I'll cycle home from work and I'm going to do some home exercises when I get back. I'll have to work late tonight for a bit but am planning not to reward myself for being so fantastic and amazing and conscientious with food. 

Wish me luck!



  1. 20k cycled in one day AND wonderful dietary feats!
    This is wonderful!

    I am finding the lemon and water really helpful and my breakfast now consists of a cup of that and some oats, low fat yoghurt and a banana (rather than a big cappuccino and a croissant).
    I had a multi seeded pitta with chicken, a little cheese and a load of salad.
    I am craving sugar SO HARD though.
    More cardio tonight.
    You are doing bloody amazing missus!

  2. I took your advice and bought Ready Brek. Waaaay better! I chuck in a heaped dessert spoon of flaxseed, coca and berries milled stiff. Mad filling and totally edible. :D
