Monday, March 17, 2014

Update and current training/diet routine and some tuna salad

My blog has been sporadic recently, because things have been pretty busy and Ive been trying to fit in a hectic work schedule around all the rest of the stuff I want to do, like have a life that isnt work and exercise. So I thought I'd post a little update on how things have been going on the whole fitness front and how things have changed, which is pretty dramatically.

Its hard to believe that only six short weeks ago I started out on this journey by texting my friend Chris who is now my trainer asking him to coach me, and saying "I honestly dont believe I can actually shed a single pound". Magical thinking gone bananas. I had lost so much faith in myself and my confidence was so through the floor, that seriously, without a hint of exaggeration, I did not believe that it was within the realms of possibility for me to change my body. CRAZY PERSON BEHAVIOUR.

I started out small - I changed my diet and I began to exercise. I began by doing 15-20 mins of strength training per day, 6 days per week as per my trainers programme. I also cycled to work every day. At first... nothing happened. The nothing that happened was HUGE. A giant ball of nothing happening steamrolled over my motivation every single day, leaving me flat and uninspired like a puddle of piss on a plate. But then something happened. I lost an inch. I measured my middle bit - the most vast of the Michelin man folds, and ONE INCH OF THEM WAS GONE. That is this much.
That is something. That is not nothing. The nothing that was happening turned into something. Something small, but something none the less. I got stronger and more motivated with every single change, however slight. Soon, another inch was gone, then another, then another. With every step I take towards another inch, I get more and more motivated.

This motivation has helped me to expand my routine so that every day I'm pushing myself harder than the last - and this expansion is, in turn, giving me more results. But you have to expand SLOWLY. Or Scumbag Brain will know something is up and decide its WAY too hard and there is no point, and sure isnt there a new episode of Ru Pauls Drag Race there that would go LOVELY with a bottle of Merlot and a slab of chocolate. I wrote a while back that fat is a ninja, that it creeps up on you and ends up all over you before you realise wtf is happening. Now, I am using this tactic back on fat. Im creeping up on it. SCUMBAG BRAIN DOESNT EVEN KNOW I'M HERE, whittling away bit by bit.
So I thought I'd share my current routine with you and then at the end, an awesome recipe for tuna salad.

My daily routine (6 days per week with 1 rest day, cardio only)

7am 20 mins fasted cardio using Zcut Power Cardio (this will actually KILL you, its incredibly intense, but quite addictive and over before you know it. She's got a YouTube Channel too if you wanted to check her stuff out before splurging on DVDs).
7.20am Yoga cool down
7.35am 30 min power walk with the dogs
8.05am 30 min cycle to work
6.30pm 30 min power walk with the dogs (only every second day)
7pm 20 minute main workout, currently focussed on core work, push ups, squats, kettlebells but the exercises change from week to week, so next week it could be a lot of legs or upper body.

I'm having 6 meals a day on average, 1-2 are protein shakes post workout. I havent been hungry in 100 years and I dont crave sweet shit anymore... when I do I just have a smoothie with some extra fruit or a banana and that usually works ok.
Oh fuck you, Scumbag Brain

However, even though I'm stockpiling protein, my body has been craving fish. Ive been a vegetarian for 20 years, with a brief falling off the wagon from 1997-2000 and hopping back on again after a mushroom-induced reminder as to why I dont want to eat animal flesh. Ive always been incredibly staunch about animal rights, and was vegan for a long time. I try to eat a primarily vegan diet, but recently have been eating eggs on the weekend, greek yoghurt and, astonishingly, fish. I started craving fish about 12 months ago, and gave into the craving about 6 months ago and boy does my body feel all the better for it. When I do have a craving for fish, I just listen to my body and give it some fucking fish. I had to wrestle a lot with my conscience to come to terms with that, but after a while I just needed what my body needed. I had a mad craving for tuna today, so I made this sexual tuna salad and put it in a toasted pitta. Its absolutely creamy a decadent and fantastic. 

Avocado Tuna Salad from Tablespoon
1 large avocado, pitted 
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Tbsp greek yoghurt
1 medium can tuna
1/2 red onion, chopped finely1/2 celery stalks, chopped finely1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 tsp salt1/8 tsp pepper 

Mash the avocado in a bowl, then add the lemon and yoghurt, mix, then add all the other ingredients. Simples! It looks gross but it tastes amazing, so I didnt even bother taking a photo, but here's an image from the site. You could also have this as a dip on celery sticks if you dont want to have any carbs, or you could go full retard with a sandwich (SHOCKER). <3 Enjoy. X

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