Sunday, March 9, 2014

Protein pancakes FTW

One of my ultimate favourite treat breakfasts was to make 'reece's pancakes' - a mix of nutella and peanut butter wrapped in a pancake.... ugghhhhh. So amazing. But also, so calories. On pancake Tuesday I was inspired to make protein pancakes, and Ive discovered that I can almost perfectly replicate my beloved reeces pancakes but with a massively healthy makeover. Ive had them both days this weekend for breakfast before working out. Today I made them American style, and yesterday I made crepes (just add baking soda for fluffy, smaller pancakes you can stack).There are lots of protein pancake recipes out there, you can experiment to find your own personal favourite. You can switch out the spelt flour for oatmeal but I just didnt have any porridge at home.

So here's the recipe, hope you make them and love them as much as I did!!! If you care about calories, these have ~200cals per serving.

Protein pancakes FTW
1/2 cup choclate coconut milk (you can just use almond milk, but this is available in Nourish/health food store)
1.5 scoops vanilla/chocolate protein powder
1/2 small banana
2 tbsp spelt flour or oatmeal
1 tbsp cinnamon 
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 egg whites/whole eggs
1 pinch nutmeg
1 pinch salt
Coconut oil for frying

At this point you can add chai seeds, flaxseeds etc but this can make them a little mealy and less smooth.
Mix all the ingredients together in a blender, and fry using coconut oil for 2-3 mins before flipping.
Top with almond butter, maple syrup, blueberries, bananas and a dollop of greek yoghurt for an epic, healthy breakfast of champions.
American style

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