Saturday, April 12, 2014

My diet and workout regime... all work and no play makes me something something...

A few people were asking me to post my current diet and workout regime so this might be a bit of a boring post unless you are on a health kick as well. My biggest vices are delicious white carbs and red wine. I havent given up wine altogether but I'm drinking sweet FA at the moment. Refer to my previous post about my scumbag brain that I have to trick into thinking that I'm not giving up anything... so I tend to have really small amounts of both (barely worth having!) just so it doesnt kick up a stink about feeling deprived and then go on a binge.

I had to keep a food diary for my trainer so he can review where I am at right now, so I thought I could share it with you. I'm working pretty hard physically at the moment so a little treat on my 'cheat meals' is fine, but otherwise, my diet looks like this:

Breakfast: Green blended drink (kale, spinach, apple, lemon, hemp protein, chai seeds, cucumber, celery)
10 am: Porridge with almond butter, almond milk and maple syrup or green scrambled eggs (eggs with hemp protein powder) and roasted tomatoes or poached egg on spelt toast
Lunch: Large salad with carrot, brocoli, tuna, tomato, hazelnuts or leftovers from dinner the night before (small amount of carbs here usually)
6pm: Coconut milk and whey protein powder shake
Dinner: Yesterday was falafel with tabouleh, tonight is a light yellow curry with no potato and no rice

I'm on less than 10% carbs at the moment, probably more like 5%. I'm off dairy at the moment too which is not really a problem as I was vegan for years so would eat a largely vegan diet normally anyway. When I have a cheat meal, all I want is ONE GIANT CARB. I had Indian the other night and has a giant masala dosa, which is a potato curry pancake. Practically a carb inside a carb. COVERED in yoghurt. I was in heaven. My other cheat meals usually HAVE to involve cheese. OMGCHEESE.

In terms of working out, I'm doing a mix of low intensity duration cardio and HIIT.

I cycle for over 1 hour a day, I power walk the dogs for 30 mins - 1hr. I have been doing 20-30 mins HIIT with either Zuzka Lite or Jillian Michaels using her 30 day shred programme which is HARD AS HELL! Jillian is a power lesbian who screams at you, I happen to quite enjoy this...

Then in the evening I have usually a 30 min weight protocol (I'm on a three day split at the moment meaning I do a different workout every day for three days and then start at workout one again on day four). I do this six days per week.

I cool down with 20 mins yoga. Ive been occasionally going to hot yoga classes when I have time, and doing Bellydance classes for 2 hours per week as an extra.

When I get to my goal weight and I'm just in maintenance mode, I'll be able to increase carbs and re-introduce dairy. I'll probably be able to reduce the intensity of the workouts as well - probably doing HIIT 3 days a week instead of 4-5, etc. I cant wait!

I've got quite a way to go from here, at the moment I'm desperately trying to trust the process, keep my chin up, and work hard. I've lost 5 inches from my hips and waist so I'm pretty happy that I am progressing and it is actually working, even though lots of days I just feel like flinging myself on the ground and going to sleep.

Because I clearly hate myself and want myself to be in pain (I'm blaming Jillian Michaels) I really want to run Hell and Back this summer - if anyone has read this far I'm assuming you have some level of interest in fitness and might be up for doing it with me? I'll definitely need a companion... to dig me out of the mud when I go for a nap... face down.....

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